is reporting that an Arkansas man who plotted to kill then-Sen. Barack Obama in October of 2008, along with dozens of blacks, was sentenced to a decade in prison Thursday, according to federal authorities. Paul Schlesselman pleaded guilty to charges earlier this year and was sentenced Thursday in an Arkansas federal court.
Schlesselman confessed to plotting Obama’s assassination and planning to go on a killing spree. He had started collecting an arsenal of weapons to prepare for his murderous rampage. According to reports, Schlesselman planned to commit a string of robberies, burglaries and murders that would have culminated with Obama’s murder.
That’s all this sick son of a crying mother wondering where she went wrong got was phucking 10yrs?….really? Calling Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton cus we need to protest…The DC Sniper got how many yrs?….just saying….
Hatred. Its killing America