Last night Atlanta hosted the premiere of the highly anticipated movie Hangover2. This has been a movie that has been the talk of the town since the trailer debuted a couple months ago. So now that the moment has finally arrived, all of the who’s who of Atlanta came out to support the event which was hosted by Ricky Smiley.
The premiere was held at the infamous Regal Cinema Atlanta Station, Atlanta’s favorite celebrities Roger Bobb, Demetria McKinney, Sheree Whitfield, Takeo Spikes, Anoop Desai, Rodney Perry, Elle Duncun, Ryan Cameron, Kesha Cameron, Frank Ski and many more!
Now I have to say after watching the movie, you guys HAVE to go out and support the movie it, was definitely rev’d to the max. They literally pushed the envelop in every way with this film, having you questioning the future of where cinema is going. But nevertheless you are going laugh your a** off.
Check out the pictures of last nights event and after party:
I support Inter/racial relationships! I believe love has no color!
_ Blac k Whi te Da te. C’om _
This club is for those of us that don’t discriminate! This is to all my people who don’t care about somebody’s ethnic background, just how they are on the inside.
If you want to find a sincere Inter/racial relationship. If you are serious. Come and join us!
wish i could’ve been..there..:/
…Best Buy went Bankrupt so they working with Apple to give away these $1,000 giftcards for ANYTHING Apple at their store!! I use 2 emails & got
My question is how many of them go out and support an African American based movie all the time instead of going and seeing all the white people in their movies. Come on. Let’s be real. If more black people had gone to see Aquila and the Bee it would have been successful, but no African Americans want to get a hook up and see boot leg copies of stuff. Dont complain about the white man not making African American related movies if you dont put your money where your mouth is.
Was that Wanda Smith from V103 with the shorts on??? Why does Frank Ski have that “Gayish” look in his spirit?? And who was that with the pink top, black jeans and raggedy weave, looking like Tameka Raymond, LOL
da A doin big..
you look stunning in that first photo!