45 pionts A pot of water is heated over a fire, and then frozen peas are added to the hot water. What happens to the energy in this situation?ied

Respuesta :


The heat energy from the fire is transferred to the pot by

  • radiation — the hot coals radiate heat to the pot.
  • convection — the hot gases from the fire travel upward until they reach the pot

The pot absorbs the heat energy and conducts the heat to the water inside.

The hot water conducts heat to the peas in three steps:

  • warming the frozen ice and peas to 0 °C.
  • thawing the ice and peas at 0 °C.
  • heating the peas to 100 °C and cooking them at that temperature.

Note: Heat always flows spontaneously from a hotter to a cooler object.


it evaporated
