If he radius of a pizza tray is 3.35 inches, Will the pizza fit on a plate with a radius of 10 ? ? ? inches or a radius of 12 ? ? ? inches. What is the approximate value of each radius?

Respuesta :


The pizza will be fit on a plate with radius 10 inches and 12 inches.

We already given the radius values 10 and 12 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the radius of a pizza tray = 3.35 inches.

First pizza plate radius = 10 inches and

Second pizza plate radius = 12 inches.

10 inches and 12 inches radii of plates are greater than radius of a pizza tray that is 3.35 inches.

Therefore, the pizza will be fit on a plate with radius 10 inches and 12 inches.

We already given the radius values 10 and 12 inches.