Describe the significance of these words: "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”:

A)Lincoln is trying to encourage hope that the nation will not die.

B)Lincoln is warning the nation that too many deaths will cause destruction of the nation.

C)Lincoln is describing the birth of a child.

D)Lincoln is explaining that all these soldiers died for nothing.

Question 4

What is the tone of the speech?





Question 5

What is the effect of Lincoln’s word choice when he says, "conceived in Liberty"?

A)Shows that the president believes everyone has been treated equally since the birth of the nation.

B)Describes how the attack at Gettysburg took place.

C)Emphasizes that America was founded upon freedom.

D)Describes a patriotic feeling about the Civil War.

Question 6

What is the effect of the repetition of the word “we” in the speech?

A)It illustrates the unity between the president and the audience.

B)References who is listening.

C)Depicts the inevitability of conflicts with people.

D)Emphasizes how much the soldiers have fought.

Question 7

select the best summary of the speech.

A)Lincoln states that 87 years ago, the country started by treating everyone equally.

When they stopped treating everyone fairy, a war broke out. Everyone's death is important to remember for the country to survive.

B)Lincoln presents the Gettysburg Address to celebrate the birth of a new nation and bury thousands of soldiers.

C)Lincoln explains that the country will endure and be completely free due to the founding fathers. Even though everyone is celebrating victory, they need to focus on the loss of life.

D)Lincoln states that the soldiers who died in the battle of Gettysburg will not be forgotten. Their sacrifice will be honored, and the nation will live on because of the people’s dedication.

Question 8

What is the central idea of this speech?

A)Everyone should fight for their rights.

B)True freedom requires sacrifice and determination.

C)The push for peace is key for all people.

D)Conflict is an essentiall part of everyday life.

Question 9

What is the meaning of the word "consecrate"?

A)make or declare sacred

B)a heavy, rough building material

C)focus one's attention or mental effort

D)to gather together

Respuesta :

1st is a 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.a i really do hope this helps

On the first question, first notice that he says that "these dead shall not have died in vain", which means that we can rule out B and D, because he has already said that the deaths were not for bad of the country. Now, using common sense, we can see that he is obviously not talking about the birth of a child, so it is A.

On the second question, first note that it cannot be A or C, as he would have spoke bad about the people who died. If it was B, then he would have emphasized what he said. He did not, so the answer is D.

As for the others, are they still referring to the passage, or something else?