Ordenalo de la A-Z

1. Nineteen
2. score
3 cousin
4. present
5. wonderful
6. charm
7. scarf
8. merge
9. barking
11 earthworm
12 nervous
13 angle
14 obtuse
18 dining
19 pantry
20 staircase
21 tomorrow
22 expression

Respuesta :


Well I think you said this is Spanish but this still works.

1. Angle

2. Battery

3. Barking

4. Charm

5. Cousin

6. Dining

7. Earthworm

8. Expression

9. Kitchen

10. Merge

11. Nervous

12. Nineteen

13. Obtuse

14. Pantry

15. Present

16. Protractor

17. Scarf

18. Score

19. Staircase

20. Tommorow

21. Wonderful

(I don't know what 22 is so you can try find it out because You letter it for A to Z and see which comes first in alphabetized letter but I think I missed one in there so you can try find it.)

1 Acute

2 Angle

3 barking

4 battery

5 charm

6 cousin

7 dining

8 earthworm

9 expression

10 kitchen

11 merge

12 nervous

13 nineteen

14 obtuse

15 pantry

16 present

17 protractor

18 scarf

19 score

20 Staircase

21 tomorrow

22 wonderful