
Artist Report


1. Choose two of the following artists to research.

a. Edgar Degas

b. Claude Monet

c. Vincent Van Gogh

d. Paul Gauguin

e. Mary Cassatt

2. Write a two page report using word processing software about the two artists and the way they used color in their artwork.

this is what I have so far
Vincent van Gogh was a famous artist before his own death and he did many paintings and most of his paintings were done in dark colors and tones, Claude Monet was the complete opposite he used many colors in his paintings. Now Van Gogh and Monet are both well-known for their landscape paintings, but the colors in their paintings vary. Take “Starry Night Over the Rhône” for example, it is dark with very minor variation in the color scheme unlike Monet’s “Irises in Monet's Garden "where it is a very colorful piece. Now both men studied the many uses of color and had many failed attempts one notable one would be van Gogh's somber palate.
van Gogh’s favorite color was yellow, and he often used it in his paintings even if it was a dark schemed picture take starry night for example, he used dark blues and blacks, but he put the stars in yellow. when van Gogh did this painting it was of the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an ideal village. While van Gogh was there he had met Paul Gauguin and while he waited her painted a picture called sunflowers, and when Gauguin was there he painted a portrait of van Gogh. The portrait was painted when Gauguin visited Van Gogh in Arles, France. Vincent had pleaded with Gauguin to come to Arles to start an art-colony. Gauguin eventually agreed after funding for the transportation and expenses was provided by Vincent's brother Theo Van Gogh however, Gauguin only stayed for two months as the two often quarreled and the famous incident where Van Gogh severed his left ear with a razor occurred after an argument with Gauguin. Van Gogh’s first impression on seeing the painting was that Gauguin had depicted him as a madman. He later softened his view. "My face has lit up after all a lot since, but it was indeed me, extremely tired and charged with electricity as I was then"
one thing Claude Monet said was "color is my day-long obsession, joy, and torment.” he loved color and the way he could use it to show light and dark. He tried to find ways to use it side by side and see how light affected it.