Question refers to the excerpt below."And whereas great Quantities of the like Manufactures have of late been made and are daily increasing in the Kingdom of Ireland and in the English Plantations in America and are exported from thence to Forreigne Marketts heretofore supplyed from England which will inevitably sink the Value of Lands and tend to the ruine of the Trade and the Woollen Manufactures of this Realme ... Be it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same:That no Person or Persons ... shall directly or indirectly export ... out of or from the said Kingdom of Ireland into any Forreigne Realme States or Dominions ... other than the Parts within the Kingdom of England."—Wool Act, 1699Which response reflects the status of colonial exports after the enactment of policies such as Wool Act of 1699 by England? (1 point)Decimated by English taxation Engaged in risky smuggling Stagnating due to piracy Thriving through salutary neglect

Respuesta :


Decimated by English Taxation is the correct answer.


The purpose of the wool act was to ban the export of wool, Yarn, Wool cloth form American colonies, to restrict wool production in England. it was also meant to restrict the import of woolens and linens to other parts of the British empire. The colonialists reacted by opposing the wool act and buying more hemp and flax so that they could prevent the purchase of ready-made clothes from England. It also sowed the seed of rebellion in the colonies.


Thriving through salutary neglect


correct answer- took test