The Agawam High School band is playing some lively marches while the coaches are giving pep talks to their respective football squads. Although it is September, it is unseasonably hot (88ºF/31ºC) and the band uniforms are wool. Suddenly, Harry the tuba player becomes light-headed and fainted. Explain what happened.

Respuesta :

This is called transient vascular shock.

The heat caused his cutaneous blood vessels to dilate, which increased the blood volume in his legs. The increase of blood volume in the legs creates a decrease in blood flow which causes a decrease in blood pressure. The light-headed and fainting are due to the brain was not receiving enough blood flow.

This is called transient vascular shock.

The heat caused his cutaneous blood vessels to dilate, which increased the blood volume in his legs. The increase of blood volume in the legs creates a decrease in blood flow which causes a decrease in blood pressure. The light-headed and fainting are due to the brain was not receiving enough blood

What is transient vascular shock?

Transient ischemic attack (TIA), also known as transient vascular shock, is a stroke that lasts only a few minutes. It occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is temporarily cut off. Symptoms of TIA are similar to those of other strokes, but they do not last very long. They occur suddenly and include:

numbness or weakness, especially one side of the body

*confusion or difficulty speaking or understanding language.

*visually impaired in one or both eyes

*difficulty walking.


*loss of balance or coordination.

learn  more about transient vascular shock   here