Four charges 7 × 10−9 C at (0 m, 0 m), −9 × 10−9 C at (3 m, 3 m), 7 × 10−9 C at (1 m, 3 m), and −8 × 10−9 C at (−3 m, 2 m), are arranged in the (x,y) plane. Find the magnitude of the resulting force on the 7 nC charge at the origin. The Coulomb constant is 8.98755 × 109 N · m2/C2 . Answer in units of N.

Respuesta :


Magnitude of the resulting force on the 7 nC charge at the origin:

Fn₁= 23.95*10⁻⁹ N


Look at the attached graphic:

Charges of positive signs exert repulsive forces on q₁ + and charges of negative signs exert attractive forces on q₁ +.

q₁ experiences three forces (F₂₁,F₃₁,F₄₁) and we calculate them with Coulomb's law:

F = (k*q₁*q)/(d)²

[tex]d_{12} = \sqrt{3^{2}+3^{2}  }  = \sqrt{18}[/tex] m : distance from q₁ to q₂

(d₁₂)² = 18 m²

[tex]d_{13} =\sqrt{1^{2}+3^{2}  } = \sqrt{10}[/tex] m  : distance from q₁ to q₃

(d₁₃)² = 10 m²

[tex]d_{14} =\sqrt{3^{2}+2^{2}  } = \sqrt{13}[/tex] m  : distance from q₁ to q₄

(d₁₄)² = 13 m²

K=  8.98755 × 10⁹ N *m²/C²

q₁=  7*10⁻⁹C

k*q₁=8.98755*10⁹ *7*10⁻⁹= 62.9

F₂₁= (62.9)*(9* 10⁻⁹) /(18) = 31.45*10⁻⁹ C

F₃₁= (62.9)*(7* 10⁻⁹) /(10) = 44*10⁻⁹ C

F₄₁= (62.9)*(8* 10⁻⁹) /(13) = 38.7*10⁻⁹ C

x-y components of the net force on q₁ (Fn₁):

α= tan⁻¹(3/3)= 45°  ,  β= tan⁻¹(3/1)= 71.56° , θ= tan⁻¹(2/3)= 33.69°

Fn₁x = F₂₁x+ F₃₁x+F₄₁x

F₂₁x =+ F₂₁*cosα =+ (31.45*10⁻⁹)* (cos 45°) = +22.24 *10⁻⁹ N

F₃₁x= -F₃₁*cosβ = - ( 44*10⁻⁹)* (cos 71.56°) = -13.91 *10⁻⁹ N

F₄₁x= -F₄₁*cosθ = -(38.7*10⁻⁹)* (cos 33.69°) = -32.2*10⁻⁹ N

Fn₁x = (+22.24 - 13.91 - 32.2)*10⁻⁹ N

Fn₁x = -23.87 *10⁻⁹ N

Fn₁y = F₂₁y+ F₃₁y+F₄₁y

F₂₁x =+ F₂₁*sinα =+ (31.45*10⁻⁹)* (sin 45°) = +22.24 *10⁻⁹ N

F₃₁x= -F₃₁*sinβ = - ( 44*10⁻⁹)* (sin 71.56°) = -41.74 *10⁻⁹ N

F₄₁x= +F₄₁*sinθ = +(38.7*10⁻⁹)* (sin 33.69°) =+21.47*10⁻⁹ N

Fn₁y = (22.24 -41.74+21.47)*10⁻⁹ N  

Fn₁y = 1.97*10⁻⁹ N

Magnitude of the resulting force on the 7 nC charge at the origin (q₁):

[tex]F_{n1} =\sqrt{(Fn_{1x} )^{2}+(Fn_{1y} )^{2} }[/tex]

[tex]F_{n1} =\sqrt{(23.87 )^{2}+(1.97 )^{2} }[/tex]

Fn₁= 23.95*10⁻⁹ N

Ver imagen valeriagonzalez0213