A remote-control airplane can have 2 or 4 engines. The probability
that an engine fails due to a mechanical problem is 0.05, and the plane needs at
least half of its engines to be working to stay aloft. Would it be better off with 2
or with 4 engines?

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Step-by-step explanation:

For a plane with 2 engines, the probability that half of its engines will fail, which is one engine failing, is 0.05 and that of both engines failing is (0.05 * 0.05) = 0.0025

For an engine with 4 engines, the probability that half of its will engines fail, which is two (2) engine failing, is (0.05 * 0.05) = 0.0025. The probability of all engines failing is 0.05 ^ 4 = 0.00000625‬

Therefore, there is a very low probability that the plane with four (4) engines will crash while that with two (2) engines has a higher probability of crashing in comparison.

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