Esperanza screams when she gets upset, and her father wants her to stop screaming. Father gives Esperanza a stern look the next time she shrieks, which makes her get quiet very suddenly. What is this an example of?

1). Positive Reinforcement
2). Negative Reinforcement
3). Punishment
4). Threatning

Respuesta :

I'd say its an example of threatening..
The negative look stops the behavior in the short run. So it is punished I think, but at the same time punishment is not known for being a long standing solution. As in the behavior will stop for a short time until Esperanza expects it.

In summary it will lose its power of stopping the behavior once expected.
But that is simply a guess.

If you are looking for an overall explanation.

+reinforce --> no bc it is not increasing the behavior.

- reinforcement is when something is removed that increases the behavior, I think.

- punishment is something out side of the situation.
- such as Pavlov non connected

- yes it is threatening, but that may not explain the behavior connection?

-I would verify this with research, but apparently that is against the rules?