Respuesta :

It was Emporor Augustus


The wealthy Roman that became a well-liked emperor despite his lack of military experience was Antoninus Pius.


Antoninus Pius was Roman emperor from 138 to 161. He was the fourth of the "five good emperors", succeeding Hadrian, who adopted him as his son.

Belonging to the gens Aurelia, was named "Pio" for having insisted on the deification of his predecessor and adoptive father Hadrian.

Antoninus exerted the power in contact with the senate, whose ceremonial paper accepted, although not giving it any portion of real power; unlike Hadrian, remained in Rome throughout his reign. It carried out a policy of austerity, without great buildings or military conquests - except for a displacement to the north of the border of the Britania, after the campaigns of the general Quino Lolio Irbic, that resulted in the construction of a new wall, the Wall of Antoninus, to the north of the Hadrian's Wall, on the border between present-day England and Scotland.

His reign was characterized by an era of internal peace and economic prosperity. He was attentive to religious traditions without persecuting unofficial cults. In this period the empire obtained the full consent of the urban elites and the provinces, which benefited greatly from the Pax Romana.