Lowell: 4 counselors
Fairview: 9 counselors
2 new counselors
Step-by-step explanation:
How many counselors should be assigned to each school using Hamilton's method?
Number of students
Lowell: 3584
Fairview: 6816
Total number of students: 10400
Divisor D = (Total number of students)/(number of counselors)= 10400/13 = 800
Temporal assignment
3584/800 = 4 + 0.48 ==> 4 counselors for Lowell
6816/800 = 8 + 0.52 ==> 8 counselors for Fairview
There is one counselor left. According to Hamilton's method she should be assigned to the school with the largest remainder, that is Fairview.
Final assignment
Lowell: 4 counselors
Fairview: 9 counselors
The next year, a new school is opened, with 1824 students. Using the divisor from above, determine how many additional counselors should be hired for the new school
1824/800 = 2 + 0.28
Two new counselors should be hired.