Identify a true statement of a JavaScript program in a web form.
a) JavaScript is a closed-source programming language, which provides tools and a programming environment for communicating the strategy and overall administration of distributed applications.
b) JavaScript is extracted by all layout engines in a similar way; as a consequence, this grounds consistency in terms of functionality and interface.
c) JavaScript is a bug-free Visual Basic scripting language, which is used only for networking applications.
d) JavaScript intercepts the content of the form before the browser attempts to contact the CGI script and report whether the data contained in the survey form has been correctly filled out or not.

Respuesta :



Option d): JavaScript intercepts the content of the form before the browser attempts to contact the CGI script and report whether the data contained in the survey form has been correctly filled out or not.

is the true statement.


Introduction to JavaScript:

JavaScript can be defined as the object-oriented programming language used specially for creating effective and interactive styles for web, it can update and modify the languages like HTML and CSS.

The data can be validated, calculated and manipulated using JavaScript.

JavaScript is a scripting language from the client-side. By this we mean that the source code of JavaScript is processed by the browser of client instead of the web Server.

From the server-side of scripting language, JavaScript can be added anywhere within the HTML of a webpage.

i hope it will help you!