Organic Chem Rxn Question

Using the reagents below, list in order (by letter, no period) those necessary to prepare trans-1,2-dibromocyclopentane from cyclopentane.

Note: Not all spaces provided may be needed. Type "na" in any space where you have no reagent. (There are 3 spaces)

a. Br2, heat, light
b. HBr
c. Br2
d. H2O
e. HBr, HOOH
f. EtOH
g. NaOEt, EtOH, heat

Respuesta :


a, g, c


The conversion of the stable cyclopentane into Trans-1, 2dibromocyclopentane will require three step reactions.

The first is to convert the compound into a cyclopentene, through the addition of Bromine water under heat and photons (light). So option A is the first in the order. This will generate 1 bromocyclopentane through halogenation of the alkane. Secondly, a hot and strong base should be added like the NaOEt, EtOH to remove the added bromine and one atom of hydrogen from the resulting 1 bromocyclopentane in the previous reaction. This will yield cyclopentene, thus making the compound more electrophilic. So option g is required. Thirdly, bromine molecules will be added (C) to take up their places at the two electrophilic regions of the compound to produce Trans-1, 2dibromocyclopentane.