20 points to whoever can help me pls
1) What is the meaning of: using a negative word to emphasize the meaning of your words when writing?
2) What is the meaning of: using a neutral/positive word to emphasize the meaning of your words when writing?

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1. Negative means if you disagree or A negative is a word or phrase that shows you reject  with something. We use negatives all the time in regular conversation, so a lot of these words should be familiar to you.

Can't, don't, and won't are all common negatives (as well as isn't, doesn't, and not). Words like never and nobody are negatives too—they just express disagreement in a different way.

2. Neutral/positive is a way that your not disagreeing. You either NOT in the disagreement, or you are supporting or agreeing with a person. . For instance, rather than, "The legislation cannot be presented until 20 to 30 days from now," write, "The legislation will be presented within 20 to 30 days." Revise statements such as "Do not hesitate to contact me" with more positive phrasing -- "Please contact me." Out of the possible words that fit your meaning, choose the one with the least negative connotation. That is, select words without emotional overtones. For example, "Because you failed the exam, you must try again" is less tactful than "You may retake the exam."