Some researches have found that 79% of the male pattern baldness, although recessive, is heritable; and some others researches state that the gene which causes bladness, called AR (Androgen Receptors) can be found on chromosome X so this makes us wonder about so many bald biological males having both X and Y chromosome and really few bald biological females even though they have the two X chromosomes found gulity for causing baldeness.
The third element to be included in this equation that simplifies this discussion is: dihydrotestosterone.
Testosterone is an abundant almost exclusive male hormone responsible for bones and muscles development too, it also concerns the hair growth, the more abundant hair you get in younger ages the more bald you will get being older as abundant hair is a sign of higher testosterone levels the body is producing.
So it all depends in gene heritage probability, but the most probable is that you get the higher sensitivity of hair follicles from your mother´s family traits.