In Bronfenbrenner’s system, what are the specific influences on your development at each level? Does one level have more influence than the others? Do you think this is true of others or unique to you? Write a response that will be read by your instructor. Be sure to include concrete examples in your response.

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The Bronfenbrenner theory is one of the most accepted explanations about the influence of the social environment in the development of people. Defend that the environment in which we grow affects all levels of our life. In this way, the way of thinking, emotions or tastes and preferences would be determined by various social factors. This theory has served as the basis for the studies of many disciplines.


Bronfenbrenner identified four systems, although a fifth was later included. These five systems are all related to each other. Thus, the influence of one of them on the child's development depends on his relationship with the others. These five systems are ordered from those closest to the child, to those farthest from him, a saber:

-Microsystem: Formed by groups that have direct contact with the child, some of the most important are family and school. For example, parental threats can directly affect the child. However, he is also able to modify the perspectives of his family members. The same happens with the school and with the rest of the groups that are part of the microsystem.

-Mesosystem: It is formed by the relationships affected between the first level, for example, the relationship between parents has a direct impact on the child.

-Exosystem. It has to do with elements that affect the child's life. However, it does not have to have a direct relationship with them, for example, the company in which the child's family members operate. This could affect the way of thinking, free time or well-being of parents.

-Macrosystem. It is made up of those elements of the culture in which the person who affects everyone else is immersed. For example, its values or the existence of an official religion.

-Chronosystem. It refers to the moment of life in which the person is in relation to the situations he will live. For example, the death of a loved one is interpreted differently based on age.