
A mortar is like a small cannon that launches shells at steep angles. A mortar crew is positioned near the top of a steep hill. Enemy forces are charging up the hill and it is necessary for the crew to spring into action. Angling the mortar at an angle of

(as shown), the crew fires the shell at a muzzle velocity of

How far
down the hill does the shell strike if the hill subtends an angle

from the horizontal? Ignore air friction.

A coordinate system is centered on a point at the top of a hill. A velocity vector of magnitude v subscript zero extends from the origin of the coordinate system and makes a counterclockwise angle theta with the positive horizontal axis. The hill slopes downward from the origin, and the slope makes a clockwise angle phi with the positive horizontal axis. A parabolic trajectory shows that the shell lands a distance d downhill, measured along the length of the slope.


How long will the mortar shell remain in the air?


How fast will the shell be traveling when it hits the ground?


Respuesta :

1) Distance down the hill: 1752 ft (534 m)

2) Time of flight of the shell: 12.9 s

3) Final speed: 326.8 ft/s (99.6 m/s)



The motion of the shell is a projectile motion, so we  can analyze separately its vertical motion and its horizontal motion.

The vertical motion of the shell is a uniformly accelerated motion, so the vertical position is given by the following equation:

[tex]y=(u sin \theta)t-\frac{1}{2}gt^2[/tex] (1)


[tex]u sin \theta[/tex] is the initial vertical velocity of the shell, with [tex]u=156 ft/s[/tex] and [tex]\theta=49.0^{\circ}[/tex]

[tex]g=32 ft/s^2[/tex] is the acceleration of gravity

At the same time, the horizontal motion of the shell is a uniform motion, so the horizontal position of the shell at time t is given by the equation

[tex]x=(ucos \theta)t[/tex]

where [tex]u cos \theta[/tex] is the initial horizontal velocity of the shell.

We can re-write this last equation as

[tex]t=\frac{x}{u cos \theta}[/tex] (1b)

And substituting into (1),

[tex]y=xtan\theta -\frac{1}{2}gt^2[/tex] (2)

where we have choosen the top of the hill (starting position of the shell) as origin (0,0).

We also know that the hill goes down with a slope of [tex]\alpha=-41.0^{\circ}[/tex] from the horizontal, so we can write the position (x,y) of the hill as

[tex]y=x tan \alpha[/tex] (3)

Therefore, the shell hits the slope of the hill when they have same x and y coordinates, so when (2)=(3):

[tex]xtan\alpha = xtan \theta - \frac{1}{2}gt^2[/tex]

Substituting (1b) into this equation,

[tex]xtan \alpha = x tan \theta - \frac{1}{2}g(\frac{x}{ucos \theta})^2\\x (tan \theta - tan \alpha)-\frac{g}{2u^2 cos^2 \theta} x^2=0\\x(tan \theta - tan \alpha-\frac{gx}{2u^2 cos^2 \theta})=0[/tex]

Which has 2 solutions:

x = 0 (origin)


[tex]tan \theta - tan \alpha=\frac{gx}{2u^2 cos^2 \theta}=0\\x=(tan \theta - tan \alpha) \frac{2u^2 cos^2\theta}{g}=1322 ft[/tex]

So, the distance d down the hill at which the shell strikes the hill is

[tex]d=\frac{x}{cos \alpha}=\frac{1322}{cos(-41.0^{\circ})}=1752 ft=534 m[/tex]


In order to find how long the mortar shell remain in the air, we can use the equation:

[tex]t=\frac{x}{u cos \theta}[/tex]


x = 1322 ft is the final position of the shell when it strikes the hill

[tex]u=156 ft/s[/tex] is the initial velocity of the shell

[tex]\theta=49.0^{\circ}[/tex] is the angle of projection of the shell

Substituting these values into the equation, we find the time of flight of the shell:

[tex]t=\frac{1322}{(156)(cos 49^{\circ})}=12.9 s[/tex]


In order to find the final speed of the shell, we have to compute its horizontal and vertical velocity first.

The horizontal component of the velocity is constant and it is

[tex]v_x = u cos \theta =(156)(cos 49^{\circ})=102.3 ft/s[/tex]

Instead, the vertical component of the velocity is given by

[tex]v_y=usin \theta -gt[/tex]

And substituting at t = 12.9 s (time at which the shell strikes the hill),

[tex]v_y=(156)(cos 49^{\circ})-(32)(12.9)=-310.4ft/s[/tex]

Therefore, the  final speed of the shell is:

[tex]v=\sqrt{v_x^2+v_y^2}=\sqrt{(102.3)^2+(-310.4)^2}=326.8 ft/s=99.6 m/s[/tex]

Learn more about projectile motion:
