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Defenders of the organization argue that however frustrating the UN system may at times be, its essential purpose is being served as long as it provides the principal forum for discussing issues of conflict and human security, and as long as it helps prevent the centuries-old effort to create a world order through violent conquest.

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Being the largests, most internationally represented in the most powerful intergovernmental organisation, the UN by its nature is doomed to be ridiculed for being superficial, biased and ineffective.

When a large number of actors and factors come into play, such an organisation can not have a simple black or white outlook. UN has not been created by aliens from a different planet that have no ulterior motives in the outcome of its work. On the contrary, it was created by people's governments. And each of the government, leaders and agencies have their own perspectives and considerations regarding every matter. That is why the performance of such organisations as the UN can not be clear and easy to satisfy everyone. Look for example, at the Israel and Palestine conundrum.

At the same time, although many issues addressed by the critics do exist, the overall contribution of the UN to the international peace and security can be considered beneficial for the world.