Respuesta :


Yes, read below ;)


Climate change is causing incredible environmental disasters that are forcing people to migrate to neighbouring countries.

Since climate change, led mostly by global warming is causing temperature rises this affects directly the level of rain, and also makes extreme forms of climate like tornados, or lightings more likely.

Main factors that force people to move elsewhere: sea level rising, extreme weather and droughts.

Changes in the environment modify the way people used to leave in previous settlements.

The climate migrants are named climate refugees, since they are forced to flee, due to sudden events in the environment.


yes! see below.


As evidence of environmental change around the world over the past decade, scholars, policymakers, and the media have become more focused on ecological impacts and human migration. At issue are extreme factors such as climate change and land degradation that act as a catalyst for relocation among vulnerable populations, especially in developed countries, where habitat is dependent on natural resources. 'nature. Early discussions of this topic felt that families often had fewer options to respond to fragile situations, without necessarily leading to larger, longer, and lasting ones. Lasting. Neo-Malthusian discourses of this kind are still prevalent in popular journals and law books (e.g., Stern 2007; Warner et al. 2009), but academic literature has been skeptical, citing evidence. Weaknesses and in a better system.