Respuesta :
Definition of simple terminologies ;
- A contractual agreement is an agreement which is made on future exchanges in order to buy or sell goods at a fixed price at a specified time period.
- LIBOR stands for London interbank offered rate which is the rate at which banks borrow money from other banks in london market. this rate is a fixed term by the british bankers association.
a) The implied LIBOR of the September Eurodollar futures of 96.4 is = 100 96.4 /400-=0.9%
(b) As we want to borrow money, it implies buying protection against high interest rates, which means low Eurodollar future prices. We will short the Eurodollar contract.
c) Number of contact to be entered into = One Eurodollar contract which is based on a $1 million 3-month deposit. As such, entering into hedge a loan of $50M, will automatically implies entering into 50 short contracts.
d) A true 3-month LIBOR of 1% means an annualized position (annualized by market conventions) of 1% x 4 = 4%. Therefore, our 50 short contracts will pay: [96.4 − (100 − 4) × 100 × $25] × 50 = $50,000.
The increased interest rate has made the loan more expensive as such, the loss to exposure will be compensated hence we have to pay the following amount ; ($50,000,000 x 0.01) - $50,000
= $450,000