Without melody;rules the word;even,seemingly,doesn't even seem etc
Modifiers are words, phrase or clause that description to sentence. Modifiers are placed next to the word it describe and it placement creates it possible meanings; modifiers are find right next to either in front of or behind of the words it logically describe
There are two type of modifier: adjective which modify nouns and adverbs which modify other parts of speech. whether adjective or adverbs modifiers helps give meaning to sentence and relieve it narrative.
Here the modifiers:
I realize to my horror that rap music seemingly without melody, sensibility, instruments, verse, or harmony, music with no beginning, end, or middle, music that doesn't even seem to be music rules the world.
To my horror explain the weight of the writer emotion
Without melody (a preposition phrase)is used to cite complaints about rap music
with no beginning, end, or middle is used to note the complaints
Seemingly create doubt, reservation, suspicions
Even( adverb) is used to highlights the verb seem
Rules the world is the weight behind the realization of the impact of rap music