(1) Plagiarism is the presentation of the words, ideas, or opinions of someone else as your own. (2) You are guilty of plagiarism if you submit as your own the words, ideas, or arrangement of material found in sources, such as books, magazines, or pamphlets (including Cliff's Notes), without crediting the source. (3) The ideas and opinions of someone else, even though expressed in your own words, must be acknowledged in the text or in a footnote. (4) You are also guilty of cheating/plagiarism if you copy the work of a fellow student, friend, or relative who is no longer in school or an essay from an internet source and submit it as your own. (5) A student who allows such copying is also guilty of plagiarism. (6) Penalties in English classes for cheating/plagiarism include: an F grade (0) for the work involved: an automatic F in conduct; oral and/or written reprimands and/or referrals that will become part of your permanent record. (7) Colleges and universities don't play around with kids who plagiarize. (8) A student at the state university was accused of plagiarism last year. (9) The practice of obtaining essays from internet sources is increasing. (10) In order to protect the validity of a degree. (11) Colleges are taking serious measures to punish those students who "buy" papers. (12)Two common penalties are suspension and expulsion. (13) A guilty student may be suspended for a certain amount of time (a year or a semester). (14) If a student is expelled, he/she may never again return to that institution or to any accredited college or university in the nation. Based on this text, choose all possible consequences of plagiarizing at the college level. A) The student could be suspended for an entire year. B) The student could be suspended for an entire semester. C) The student could have to rewrite the entire assignment. D) The student could be prohibited from returning to ANY college in the nation. E) The student could be prohibited from returning to that college.

Respuesta :




According  to the text, "If a student is expelled, he/she may never again return to that institution or to any accredited college or university in the nation"