equilibrium price is the A.point where supply and demand meet
B.average price for all brands of the same product
C.price the government sets for a product
D.price changed for products of equal quality

Respuesta :


Option A :point where supply and demand meet


The equilibrium price is usually said to be market price. This is the point at which quantity supplied is equal or equivalent to the quantity demanded of goods and services. At equilibrium price, demand and supply curves intersect in the market. For equibrum to be between demand and supply, one must try to know, you the particular price at which the demand and supply curves did intersect.

Example is when the supply for rice flakes is $10 per 7unit of it and when the buyer agrees and buy at that price as the market price then it is in equibrum state. It is this equibrum state that you can say demand and supply are equal.


A.point where supply and demand meet


Equilibrium price is defined as the price set for a good or service in which its demand is equal to the supply.

If a set price set is different from the equilibrium price then it can be concluded that there is either a shortage or surplus .

The equilibrium price is important because it allows for optimized profitability.