Chevonne is in middle school. Although Chevonne is a "rule follower," she seems to lack confidence and appears socially awkward. According to Baumrind's typology, Chevonne parents MOST likely follow a(n) _____ parenting style.

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Chevonne is in middle school. Although Chevonne is a "rule follower," she seems to lack confidence and appears socially awkward. According to Baumrind's typology, Chevonne parents MOST likely follow a(n) authoritarian parenting style.


In case of parenting style there are number of various techniques. Different parenting styles are: authoritative, authoritarian, uninvolved and permissive. In authoritative parenting style parents have a friendly relation with their wards. Permissive parenting style allows to take decision of its own by the children.

Authoritarian parenting style does not allow any freedom of child. It fully dominating kind of parenting style where parents decision is the last decision that have to be followed by the kids. They have mainly low confidence and socially awkward.