Tejasi brings suit against her employer under Title VII for disparate treatment on the basis of Texas's national origin. At trial, Tejasi proves that she is an Indian immigrant and that she was demoted at work after her boss stated to several coworkers: "Outsourcing is sending all of the good American jobs to India. I cannot believe that companies are giving good jobs to Indians in our own country, too." Tejaswi employer argues that her demotion was based on her poor performance and offers a poor review Tejasi received one week after the boss made his comment and one day before the demotion. Will Tejasi win her suit
First, the law is against the action she claims her employer did.
Secondly and more importantly is the fact that she has enough evidence to prove that the review of her performance by her employer was discriminatory. This facts are strong prove;
Tejasi received the poor review one week after the boss made his comment and one day before the demotion.