1. Which elements are most abundant in living organisms?
hydrogen, carbon, calcium, potassium, oxygen, and phosphorus
oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, hydrogen, and carbon
carbon, potassium, iron, magnesium, hydrogen, and nitrogen
oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus

2. Why is carbon so abundant in living things when oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth?
Carbon atoms can bond with one another to make chains and cyclic structures whereas oxygen atoms cannot form chains or cyclic structures.
Carbon atoms are found in compounds that are solids at room temperature whereas oxygen atoms are found in compounds that form gases
Carbon atoms have lower mass than oxygen atoms, which keeps the masses of living things within desirable limits.
Carbon atoms are more stable than oxygen atoms, which allows living things to have more stable compositions.

3. How is a protein different from a complex carbohydrate?
The monomers that make up a protein vary whereas the monomers that make up a complex carbohydrate are all the same.
Proteins function as energy storage polymers whereas complex carbohydrates function to control rates of metabolic reactions.
Proteins can be described as a linear polymer chain whereas complex carbohydrates cannot.
Proteins contain very little carbon whereas complex carbohydrates contain mostly carbon.

4. Suppose an alien form of life is discovered on Mars. Which of the following macromolecules would have to be discovered in this creature before scientists could suggest that life on Earth and life on Mars have similar methods for storing and transmitting genetic information?
complex carbohydrate

5. A sample of biological origin was analyzed for its elemental composition and found to contain only carbon and hydrogen. Which type of macromolecule might it be?
complex carbohydrate

Respuesta :

1. The elements that are most abundant in living organisms are oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. The answer to your question is D.

Carbon is so abundant in living things when oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth because carbon atoms can bond with one another to make chains and cyclic structures whereas oxygen atoms cannot form chains or cyclic structures. The answer to your question is A.

A protein is different from a complex carbohydrate because the monomers that make up a protein vary whereas the monomers that make up a complex carbohydrate are all the same. The answer to your question is A.

4. The 
macromolecules which would have to be discovered in this creature before scientists could suggest that life on Earth and life on Mars have similar methods for storing and transmitting genetic information is the polynucleotide. The answer to your question is D.

5. The 
type of macromolecule that might be is lipid. The answer to your question is C.

I am hoping that this answer has satisfied your query and it will be able to help you in your endeavor, and if you would like, feel free to ask another question.

Question 1: The right answer is D.

Living organisms contain four basic elements: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, and Hydrogen.

Two important elements are also needed to design the cell membrane, which is phosphorus and sulfur.

Here is a mnemonic to remember respectively the six main chemical elements, present in living organisms: ONCH SP

Question 2: The right answer is A

Carbon forms the framework of all the organic molecules that make up living things, in association with oxygen, nitrogen, phosphate, and hydrogen, among others.

It is through photosynthesis that the carbon in the air in inorganic form - carbon dioxide (CO2, the famous greenhouse gas) - is captured by plants and transformed into organic matter. It is this organic form that allows herbivorous animals to make the sugars, lipids, and proteins that make them.

Question 3: The right answer is A.

Proteins and carbohydrates (not to mention lipids) are essential energy nutrients for the body. They are different but complementary.

Proteins are involved in the vast majority of the life of our cells, they are fundamental elements of life. They are helpful to our immune system to protect us from diseases. They also serve to transport molecules and regulate our hormones. High protein foods are dairy products, meat, eggs and fish (animal protein). But there are also many in cereals and legumes (vegetable proteins).

Finally, carbohydrates include sugars, considered as the first source of energy of the body. There is, of course, table sugar and all that is sweet, called simple carbohydrates, but there are also complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, potatoes, rice, or fruits and pulses. Carbohydrates are simply essential to the functioning of the brain. If you do not have enough sugar in your blood, your brain will gradually stop working: it is hypoglycemia.

Question 4: the right answer is D.

A polynucleotide is a polymer consisting of several nucleotide monomers covalently linked to form a chain. Nucleic acids such as ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are polynucleotides.

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and is the carrier molecule for hereditary genetic information.

RNAs are molecules formed by the assembly of ribonucleotides, and which have very many functions in the cell.

Question 5: The right answer is C.

In addition to carbon and hydrogen, polynucleotides and proteins contain nitrogen and oxygen in large proportions.

Carbohydrates contain carbon, nitrogen, but also oxygen.

the lipids contain mainly carbon and hydrogen but contain oxygen in a very small proportion (one or two atoms) for example cholesterol (C27H46O) and palmitic acid (C16H32O2).