
The overwhelming majority of students found the theology of St. Athanasius more interesting than the theology of St. Anselm ... so that is reason to celebrate his feast day all the more! Did you have a chance to celebrate the feast of St. Athanasius? If not, today is your chance ... as this list of questions will be a bit different, and definitely easier, than usual. What is something you did this weekend, or could at least do today, to celebrate? Did you not feel like celebrating made sense for you and your family for some reason (perhaps one you shared with me already, I realize)? QUESTION: WHAT, IF ANYTHING, DID YOU DO TO CELEBRATE HIS FEAST DAY, AND IF YOU DID NOT, WHAT COULD YOU DO TODAY? (NO GRADE FOR THIS ANSWER) *

Respuesta :


Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Athanasius of Alexandria who is a Doctor of the Church, as well as a great theologian who united the Eastern and Western Churches. A great deal of his work and mission was responding to the Arian heresy running rampant in his day. In fact, the Arian heresy has proved to be one of the most virulent heresies and can be seen in various forms even in our own day.

He was born around 300 AD in Alexandria, Egypt. After receiving a quality education, he became a deacon and secretary to the Bishop of Alexandria. He worked closely with the Bishop and attended the first Ecumenical Council at Nicaea in 325 AD. This Council focused primarily on the divinity of Christ in response to the Arian heresy which had been advanced through the Alexandrian priest Arius.
