E&M code: 99213.
CPT code: 70450.
CPT code: 92136.
CPT code: 77261.
ICD-10-CM code: H53.8 G44.85
The term "coder report" simply means or it is also known as "medical coding''. Outpatient coder report or medical coding is a very important tool in Health Infomation Management.
These codes are also useful for hospitals during payment for instance the hospital can send these codes to the patient's health insurance companies.
There are two main types of coder report one of them is the outpatient coder report and the other is the inpatient coder report.
CPT means Current Procedural Terminology.
HCPCS means Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System.
ICD-10 means International Classification of Diseases.
The codes are: E&M code: 99213.
CPT code: 70450.
CPT code: 92136.
CPT code: 77261.
ICD-10-CM code: H53.8 G44.85
The codes include things like the medication list, problem list, symtoms, and many more.