Respuesta :
Using 1's complement
Therefore the difference is -10001
Therefore the difference is 00001
Therefore the difference is 01001
Therefore the difference is 10100
Therefore the difference is 00111
Using 1's complement
a) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 11010 = 00101.
Therefore 01001-11010 = 01001 + 00101 = 01110
Since no overflow, we take the 1's complement of the result and it is negative.
Therefore the difference is -10001
b) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 11001 = 00110.
Therefore 11010-11001 = 11010 + 00110 =1 00000
Since there is an overflow, we add the overflow to the result
Therefore the difference is 00001
c) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 01101 = 10010
Therefore 10110-01101 = 10110 + 10010 = 1 01000
Since there is an overflow, we add the overflow to the result
Therefore the difference is 01001
d) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 00111 = 11000
Therefore 11011-00111= 11011 + 11000 = 1 10011
Since there is an overflow, we add the overflow to the result
Therefore the difference is 10100
e) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 10101 = 01010
Therefore 11100-10101= 11100 + 01010 = 1 00110
Since there is an overflow, we add the overflow to the result
Therefore the difference is 00111
Using 2's complement
a) The 2's complement of the subtrahend 11010 = 00110.
Therefore 01001-11010 = 01001 + 00110 = 01111
Since no overflow, we take the 2's complement of the result and it is negative.
Therefore the difference is -10001
b) The 2's complement of the subtrahend 11001 = 00111.
Therefore 11010-11001 = 11010 + 00111 =1 00001
Since there is an overflow, we drop the overflow
Therefore the difference is 00001
c) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 01101 = 10011
Therefore 10110-01101 = 10110 + 10011 = 1 01001
Since there is an overflow, we drop the overflow
Therefore the difference is 01001
d) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 00111 = 11001
Therefore 11011-00111= 11011 + 11001 = 1 10100
Since there is an overflow, we drop the overflow
Therefore the difference is 10100
e) The 1's complement of the subtrahend 10101 = 01011
Therefore 11100-10101= 11100 + 01011 = 1 00111
Since there is an overflow, we drop the overflow
Therefore the difference is 00111