Respuesta :
public class ItemToPurchase {
private String itemName ;
private int itemPrice;
private int itemQuantity;
public ItemToPurchase(){
itemName = "none";
itemPrice = 0;
itemQuantity = 0;
public String getName() {
return itemName;
public void setName(String itemName) {
this.itemName = itemName;
public int getPrice() {
return itemPrice;
public void setPrice(int itemPrice) {
this.itemPrice = itemPrice;
public int getQuantity() {
return itemQuantity;
public void setQuantity(int itemQuantity) {
this.itemQuantity = itemQuantity;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ShoppingCartPrinter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
ItemToPurchase item1 = new ItemToPurchase();
ItemToPurchase item2 = new ItemToPurchase();
System.out.println("Item 1");
System.out.print("Enter the item name: ");
String name1 = scan.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter the item price: ");
int price1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the item quantity: ");
int quantity1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Item 2");
System.out.print("Enter the item name: ");
String name2 = scan.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter the item price: ");
int price2 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the item quantity: ");
int quantity2 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("TOTAL COST");
int item1Total = item1.getPrice() * item1.getQuantity();
int item2Total = item2.getPrice() * item2.getQuantity();
System.out.println(item1.getName()+" "+item1.getQuantity()+" for $"+item1.getPrice()+" = $"+item1Total);
System.out.println(item2.getName()+" "+item2.getQuantity()+" for $"+item2.getPrice()+" = $"+item2Total);
System.out.println("Total: $"+(item1Total + item2Total));
package brainly;
//Class header definition for class ItemToPurchase
public class ItemToPurchase {
//Write the private fields
private String itemName;
private int itemPrice;
private int itemQuantity;
//Create the default constructor
//And initialize all the fields to their respective initial values
public ItemToPurchase(){
this.itemName = "none";
this.itemPrice = 0;
this.itemQuantity = 0;
//Create the accessor methods as follows:
public String getItemName() {
return itemName;
public void setItemName(String itemName) {
this.itemName = itemName;
public int getItemPrice() {
return itemPrice;
public void setItemPrice(int itemPrice) {
this.itemPrice = itemPrice;
public int getItemQuantity() {
return itemQuantity;
public void setItemQuantity(int itemQuantity) {
this.itemQuantity = itemQuantity;
} // End of class definition
package brainly;
//import the Scanner class
import java.util.Scanner;
//Class header definition for class ShoppingCartPrinter
public class ShoppingCartPrinter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create an object of the Scanner class
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
//prompt the user to enter the name of first item
System.out.println("Item 1: Enter the item name");
//Store the input in a String variable
String firstItemName = scnr.nextLine();
//Prompt the user to enter the price of the first item
System.out.println("Enter the item price");
//Store the input in an int variable
int firstItemPrice = scnr.nextInt();
//Prompt the user to enter the quantity of the first item
System.out.println("Enter the item quantity");
//Store the input in an int variable
int firstItemQuantity = scnr.nextInt();
//Call the scnr.nextLine() method to allow user enter the
// second item
//Prompt the user to enter the name of the second item
System.out.println("Item 2: Enter the item name");
//Store the input in a String variable
String secondItemName = scnr.nextLine();
//Prompt the user to enter the price of the second item
System.out.println("Enter the item price");
//Store the input in an int variable
int secondItemPrice = scnr.nextInt();
//Prompt the user to enter the quantity of the second item
System.out.println("Enter the item quantity");
//Store the input in an int variable
int secondItemQuantity = scnr.nextInt();
//Create the first object using the first item
ItemToPurchase item1 = new ItemToPurchase();
//Create the second object using the second item
ItemToPurchase item2 = new ItemToPurchase();
//Get the total cost of the first item
int totalcostofitem1 = firstItemPrice * firstItemQuantity;
//Get the total cost of the second item
int totalcostofitem2 = secondItemPrice * secondItemQuantity;
//Calculate total cost of the two items
int total = totalcostofitem1 + totalcostofitem2;
//Print out the result.
System.out.println("Total: $" + total);
Sample Output
>> Item 1: Enter the item name
Chocolate Chips
>> Enter the item price
>> Enter the item quantity
>> Item 2: Enter the item name
Bottled Water
>> Enter the item price
>>Enter the item quantity
>>Total: $13
The above code has been written in Java and it contains comments explaining every line of the code. Please go through the comments carefully.
The actual lines of code are written in bold face to distinguish them from comments.
Also, in the sample output, the user inputs are written in bold face.