Ms. Donaldson earns $19.20 per hour for the first 40 hours she works in a week. She earns 1 1/2 times that amount per hour for each hour she works beyond 40 hours in a week. Last week Ms. Donaldson worked 45.5 hours. a) How much money did she earn last week? b) A health insurance payment of $34.75 was deducted from Ms. Donaldson's earnings for the week. After the insurance deduction, payroll taxes equal to 32% of the balance were deducted. What was the amount that Ms. Donaldson received?

Respuesta :


a) $926.40

b) $606.32

Step-by-step explanation:


If she worked a total of 45.5 hours, she will receive $19.20 per hour in the first 40 hours and 1.5 * $19.20 for the exceeding 5.5 hours, so her earnings is:

19.2 * 40 + 1.5 * 5.5 * 19.2 = $926.40


The deduction is $34.75, so the remaining will be:

926.40 - 34.75 = $891.65

Then, after this deduction, the taxes is 32% of the remaining, so:

891.65 - 0.32 * 891.65 = $606.32

She received $606.32