Print "Censored" if userInput contains the word "darn", else print userInput. End with a newline. Ex: If userInput is "That darn cat.", then output is: Censored Ex: If userInput is "Dang, that was scary!", then output is: Dang, that was scary! Note: If the submitted code has out-of-range access, the system will stop running the code after a few seconds, and report "Program end never reached." The system doesn't print the test case that caused the reported message.
using namespace std;
int main() {
string userInput;
getline(cin, userInput);
/* Your solution goes here */
return 0;

Respuesta :


The program goes as follows

Comments are used to explain difficult lines

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


string userinput;


/* My Solution starts here*/

//Initialize sub string position to 0

int stringpos = 0;

// Declare an iterating variable to iterate through userinput

int startpos;  

//Declare and initialize a determinant variable

int k = 0;

while((startpos = userinput.find("darn",stringpos))!=string::npos)


 //If userinput contaings "darn", increase k by 1


// Go to next string position

stringpos = startpos+1;  


//If determinant variable k is p then, userinput does not contain "darn"





//Otherwise, it contains "darn"





/* My Solution ends here*/

return 0;


See attached for .cpp program file

Ver imagen MrRoyal