Respuesta :
1. Kristallnacht - 3. "The Night of the Broken Glass".
2. Auschwitz - 4. "The most infamous concentration camp".
3. Nuremberg Laws - 1. Proclaimed jews to be second class.
4. Nazi Propaganda Ministry - 2. Spread pro-Nazi policies and ideas.
1. Kristallnacht - 3. The night of the broken glass
On November 9 to November 10th, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized, Jewish properties, and killed close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath, about 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
2. Auschwitz - 4. The most infamous concentration camp
Auschwitz was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps.
3. Nuremberg Laws - 1. Proclaimed jews to be second class citizens
The Nuremberg Laws were antisemitic and racist laws against Jews. These laws excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship.
4. Nazi Propaganda Ministry - 2. Spread pro-Nazi policies and ideas
The Nazi Propaganda Ministry was a government agency that enforced Nazi ideas.