Clara and Melissa work together at a day care center. They differ in the way they look at things and the way they approach work. Simon, the center manager has asked them to create a presentation for new parents. Clara thinks that Melissa is not putting in enough effort, and tends to share credit for the work that she has done. This has made Clara avoid Melissa as much as possible. Clara also shares very little information with Melissa. Clara realizes that her attitude is not good in the end. How can Clara communicate her feelings to Melissa so that this issue can be resolved and they can work together amicably? Create I-statements that Clara can use to help resolve the conflict.

Respuesta :


a description of her needs or feelings, for example, Clara can tell Melissa, "We're having the meeting for new parents this Friday and our presentation is still not ready. I need you to put in more time and effort so that we have the presentation ready on time. Right now, I'm feeling pressured and burdened because I seem to be doing all the work, yet you give Simon the impression that we worked together on it. I don't think that it is fair.’’

a description of the situation that resulted in the needs or feelings, for example, Clara can tell Melissa, "Last week I spent a lot of time reading all the information we have in our files about the new children and their parents so that we could create a presentation that is specifically suited to their needs. You did not contribute to this at all, but you gave Simon the impression that we worked on this together."

the consequences of the situation you are facing, for example, Clara can tell Melissa, "I enjoy working with you Melissa; I think you are a lot of fun and have many bright ideas. However, if I have to put in all the effort and you just take the credit, I will have to speak to Simon about it.

