What's up with this new update?

Ok, so I love this Brainly update, but my only issue is the message system. I will think I have some notification, but it says a message, so I am like "Great, what did I do this time", but there will be no new messages. So does anybody know what it's all about or is it an error?

Also I may be getting a new computer for my birthday, but I don't know which one I want to get, are there any reccomendations? I plan to use Source Film Maker, hopefully VR, and Steam Games

Respuesta :


so do i the notifications are out of control i try to ignore them


and yea so it seems you like to do things such as VR? if so i suggest one from the Oculus brand i dont use them but i heard they were good!



I figured it out


To explain the notification thing brainly says you have messages when its notifications related to comments because comments are usually made up of people talking to each other, so it just comes through as a message notification.