
This is a Earth Science course 4.02
2. Mariner 4 and 9 and Viking 1 and 2 probes needed enhanced cameras and wireless communication equipment to take images of Mars's surface and send them back to Earth. According to the video, how did improving our technology lead to new discoveries about Mars?
3. Using internet resources, describe how advances in imaging and wireless communication for space exploration have led to changes in imaging devices and communication on Earth.
4. Mars Odyssey and Mars Express required spectrometric equipment that could analyze Mars's atmosphere and surface composition and temperatures. Using internet resources, describe some home or business technologies that use spectrometric equipment to analyze atmosphere or temperature.
5. Using internet resources, research one space probe described in the video. Describe its goals and justify its purpose by explaining how it helped advance our understanding of the universe.

Respuesta :


answers to Video 1 and 2 don't copy word for word


Video 1 questions:

1.Viking 1 and Viking 2 transmitted six years of panoramic views from Mars to Earth, while the pathfinder spent three months transmitting large quantities of Martian environment data. For study, the Viking 1 and 2 probes sent photographs of the Martian landscape back to Earth, while the pathfinder was the first robotic rover to reach the Martian atmosphere directly.  

2.It contributed to the discovery that life on Mars once actually existed because of evidence of water being found underground at the Martian poles. helped us to discover that life on Mars once probably existed because of signs of water being found underground at the Martian poles.  

4.Spectrometric equipment that could analyze Mars' atmosphere was needed by Mars Odyssey and Mars Express.  

5.A probe is a spacecraft that flies across space to gain information about science. Probes have no astronauts. Probes submit data back to earth for analysis by scientists. Voyager 2 and many more are one example of a space probe.  

Video 2 questions:

1.Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation that is best recognized for its use in Technologies for contact, such as television, cell phones and radios. Such devices receive radio transmitters In the speaker, waves and transform them to mechanical vibrations to produce sound waves.  

2.A radio telescope is essentially a telescope equipped to receive space-based radio waves.  

3.It has three numerical elements, each of which has one or more antennas to absorb the incoming radio waves. Two is a receiver and amplifier to lift to a detectable level the very weak radio signal. And lastly, a recorder to hold a signal log.  

4. An electromagnetic wave is a radio wave. The speed of light flows with it. In the electromagnetic spectrum, it is the longest wavelength. This is used in RADAR for wireless and radio communication that is obtained by an antenna, and radio waves are also used. RADAR is a method of tracking used to determine object velocity.  

5.Through studying the frequency, power, and timing of radio emissions from these objects, radio telescopes help advance our knowledge of the universe, and astronomers will enhance our understanding of the universe.