A population, P, of birds is doubling in size every year, according to the model P=100(2^t), where T represents years. What was the initial population size? Show work.

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Answer: The above Table 1 will calculate the population size (N) after a certain length of time (t). All you need to do is plug in the initial population number (No), the growth rate (r) and the length of time (t). The constant (e) is already entered into the equation. It stands for the base of the natural logarithms (approximately 2.71828). Growth rate (r) and time (t) must be expressed in the same unit of time, such as years, days, hours or minutes. For humans, population growth rate is based on one year. If a population of people grew from 1000 to 1040 in one year, then the percent increase or annual growth rate is 40/1000 x 100 = 4 percent. Another way to show this natural growth rate is to subtract the death rate from the birth rate during one year and convert this into a percentage. If the birth rate during one year is 52 per 1000 and the death rate is 12 per 1000, then the annual growth of this population is 52 - 12 = 40 per 1000. The natural growth rate for this population is 40/1000 x 100 = 4%. It is called natural growth rate because it is based on birth rate and death rate only, not on immigration or emigration. The growth rate for bacterial colonies is expressed in minutes, because bacteria can divide asexually and double their total number every 20 minutes. In the case of wolffia (the world's smallest flowering plant and Mr. Wolffia's favorite organism), population growth is expressed in days or hours.

Each wolffia plant is shaped like a microscopic green football with a flat top. An average individual plant of the Asian species W. globosa, or the equally minute Australian species W. angusta, is small enough to pass through the eye of an ordinary sewing needle, and 5,000 plants could easily fit into thimble.

See Straight Pin & Sewing Needle Used In Wayne's Word Articles

There are more than 230,000 species of described flowering plants in the world, and they range in size from diminutive alpine daisies only a few inches tall to massive eucalyptus trees in Australia over 300 feet (100 m) tall. But the undisputed world's smallest flowering plants belong to the genus Wolffia, minute rootless plants that float at the surface of quiet streams and ponds. Two of the smallest species are the Asian W. globosa and the Australian W. angusta. An average individual plant is 0.6 mm long (1/42 of an inch) and 0.3 mm wide (1/85th of an inch). It weighs about 150 micrograms (1/190,000 of an ounce), or the approximate weight of 2-3 grains of table salt. One plant is 165,000 times shorter than the tallest Australian eucalyptus (Eucalyptus regnans) and seven trillion times lighter than the most massive giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum).

See Photo Of Massive Giant Sequoia Tree

See Photo Of The Australian Wolffia angusta

See Photo Of The Indian Wolffia microscopica

See Additional Color Images Of Wolffia Species

The growth rate for Wolffia microscopica may be calculated from its doubling time of 30 hours = 1.25 days. In the above population growth equation (N = Noe rt), when rt = .695 the original starting population (No) will double. Therefore a simple equation (rt = .695) can be used to solve for r and t. The growth rate (r) can be determined by simply dividing .695 by t (r = .695 /t). Since the doubling time (t) for Wolffia microscopica is 1.25 days, the growth rate (r) is .695/1.25 x 100 = 56 percent. Try plugging in the following numbers into the above table: No = 1, r = 56 and t = 16. Note: When using a calculator, the value for r should always be expressed as a decimal rather than a percent. The total number of wolffia plants after 16 days is 7,785. This exponential growth is shown in the following graph where population size (Y-axis) is compared with time in days (X-axis). Exponential growth produces a characteristic J-shaped curve because the population keeps on doubling until it gradually curves upward into a very steep incline. If the graph were plotted logarithmically rather than exponentially, it would assume a straight line extending upward from left to right.

Sixteen days of exponential growth in Wolffia microscopica.

Wolffia plants have the fastest population growth rate of any member of the kingdom Plantae. Under optimal conditions, a single plant of the Indian species Wolffia microscopica may reproduce vegetatively by budding every 30 hours. One minute plant could mathematically give rise to one nonillion plants or 1 x 1030 (one followed by 30 zeros) in about four months, with a spherical volume roughly equivalent to the size of the planet earth! Note: This is purely a mathematical projection and in reality could never happen!

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