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3-5 sentences talking about Contest Theme in the context ...


It was a period of growth and inventing. The light bulb was made during that time and mass production had been invented by Henry Ford and the telephone was also invented.This time was also was a time of racism, when African Americans got jobs in which they were payed less than white people and the Ku Ku Klux Clan was founded in 1915.Promises made to Native American tribes were broken.

1. Mythology found its way in the Trojan war.

2. Literature and Mathematics saw their initial developments and inventions.

3. Invention in agriculture was substantial.

4. Sports became significant through Olympics.

5. China got divided from the world by the great wall.

6. The similarities in different forms of architectures were discovered.

The dark side saw the wars, the emergence of Christian dictatorship, and the unwarranted deaths mark this period of modern history.