Problems and Applications Indicate how each of the following transactions affects US exports, imports, and net exports. Effect On... Transaction US exports U.S. Imports U.S. Net Export A French historian spends a semester touring museums and historic battlefields in the United States. Students in Paris flock to see the latest movie from Hollywood. Your auntie purchases a Panasonic camera. Your aunt buys a novel by a British author from a local bookstore. Your parents buy a bottle of French wine from a local wine store.

Respuesta :


Transactions                                          Exports      Imports      Net Export

A French historian spends a                Increase   Unchanged    Increase

semester touring museums

and historic battlefields in

the United States.

Students in Paris flock to see the        Increase   Unchanged    Increase

latest movie from Hollywood.

Your auntie purchases a                      Unchanged   Increase     Decrease

Panasonic camera.

Your aunt buys a novel by a British     Unchanged   Increase     Decrease

author from a local bookstore.

Your parents buy a bottle of French    Unchanged   Increase     Decrease

wine from a local wine store.


The export means selling of domestic goods and services into foreign nations

The import means domestic purchases of goods and services from foreign nation

Net export means the difference between the total export and total import of a nation.

The effects of the following on Imports, Exports, and U.S. Exports:

A French historian spends a semester touring museums and historic battlefields in the United States.

  • Exports Increase
  • Imports Unchanged
  • Net Exports ⇒ Increase

Exports increased because a foreigner was spending time and money on American made products. Net exports always increase when exports increase over imports.  


Students in Paris flock to see the latest movie from Hollywood.

  • Exports Increase
  • Imports Unchanged
  • Net ExportsIncrease

Exports increased because the movie was made by the United States.


Your auntie purchases a Panasonic camera.

  • Exports Unchanged
  • Imports Increase
  • Net ExportsDecrease

Imports increased here because your auntie is American and bought things from a foreign country ( Japan). Net exports decrease when imports are more than exports.


Your aunt buys a novel by a British author from a local bookstore.

  • Exports Unchanged
  • Imports Increase
  • Net Exports Decrease

Imports increase because the product is made by foreigners (British).


Your parents buy a bottle of French wine from a local wine store.

  • Exports Unchanged
  • Imports Increase
  • Net Exports Decrease

Imports increase because the wine is made by foreigners (French).


In conclusion, imports decrease net exports and exports increase net exports.

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