Which quote suggests that the narrator longs for his past?

(A"In all the books I have read of people cast away, either they had their pockets full of tools, or a chest of things would be thrown upon the beach along with them, as if on purpose."
(В "Of these two I made my whole diet, devouring them cold and raw as I found them; and so hungry was I that at first they seemed to me delicious."
(C "All day it streamed rain; there was no dry spot to be found; and when I lay down that night, between two boulders that made a kind of roof, my feet were in a bog."
(D "I used to watch this smoke, when I was wet and cold and had my head half-turned with loneliness, and think of the fireside and of the company till my heart burned."​

Respuesta :

Answer: D "I used to watch this smoke, when I was wet and cold and had my head half-turned with loneliness, and think of the fireside and of the company till my heart burned."​


This is a quote from the book, ''Kidnapped'' by  Robert Louis Stevenson about a boy named David Balfour who was kidnapped on orders of his uncle who did not want to give David the family estate which was rightfully his (David).

The ship that David was kidnapped on gets into troubled waters and leads to David being separated from the rest of the crew for some days and it was during this time that he uttered the words above to expressed the loneliness he felt and how he longed for his past.