An ecological group suspects lobsters are consuming dangerous levels of mercury in a region of the world. Dangerous levels of mercury are classified when they reach beyond 6.5 parts per million. A random sample of 25 lobsters in the region were tested and the data is shown in the stemplot.

Stemplot for Mercury Levels.
2|2 4;
3|1 4;
3|5 8;
4|0 2;
4|5 6;
5|0 1 3 3 4;
5|6 8 9;
6|3 4;
6|6 7 8;
7|1 2;

Key: 2|2 = 2.2 parts per million

Part A: What proportion of the lobsters in the sample have dangerous levels of mercury in their systems? (4 points)

Part B: Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the mean mercury levels of the lobsters if the sample of 25 lobsters has a mean mercury level of 5.05 parts per million and standard deviation of 1.45 parts per million. (6 points)