
You have selected one historical hero (Mohandas Gandhi) and one historical villain(mao zedong) in the previous tasks. In this task, you will use your research to compare and contrast these individuals, and then you will share your findings in a presentation. While you should include some biographical information about each leader, make sure your presentation also compares and contrasts the leaders. Your presentation should include analysis of each leader’s legacy in history.

Here are some points to address as you create your presentation:

Use any presentation software that you have available.
Give your presentation an appropriate title.
Write an introduction to your presentation that will help your audience understand the topic. Your introduction should include these elements: what makes a person a hero in history, what makes a person a villain in history, the names of the leaders you selected as a hero and a villain in history.
Compare and contrast the leaders you selected and their legacies in history. Use information you gained in your research from the two previous tasks. You can decide how to put together these sections of the presentation.
Follow these steps as you write your presentation:

Write about the leaders’ backgrounds (where and when they lived, the historical and political climate of the time, and so on).
Describe each person’s contribution to his or her country—positive or negative. Include the historical facts you found in your earlier research.
Explain each person’s legacy in history—positive or negative. Include the historical facts you discovered, along with your own analysis of these facts.
Give your personal opinion about each leader based on your research.
Write an appropriate conclusion. It should state your opinion as to why it is important to study both heroes and villains in history. Use your chosen leaders to explain this concept to your audience.
Add relevant and attractive images or media to accompany your presentation.
Include a works cited page, listing and crediting the sources you consulted during your research.
Learn how to make an effective presentation. Your final presentation should be about three to five minutes in length (about 500–600 words). You can either hand in your presentation directly to your teacher or submit it along with this activity.


Respuesta :


He went back to India, at the time occupied by the British Empire, and led a non-violent resistance to the British occupation.

His non-materialistic lifestyle, and philosophical ideas inspired millions, both in India and in other countries, and at the end, he was successful and the British occupation of India ended.

Sadly, Gandhi was killed shortly after, shot by a Hindu extremist, who was against Gandhi's tolerance of the Muslim population of India.

Pinochet was a Chilean military official and dictator.

He took power after carrying out a coup d'etat against the former president, Salvador Allende, who killed himself in the presidential palace.

Pinochet established a dictatorship, and killed many of political opponents. Many others left Chile for other countries, fleeing political persecution.

Pinochet introduced economic reforms on the advise of the so-called Chicago Boys. These reforms brought economic growth to Chile, but political freedom continued to be restrained.

Finally, he was ousted by a referendum in 1990, and democracy in Chile was restored.

In conclusion, we can see that Gandhi and Pinochet were opposite characters. Gandhi used non-violent resistance to advance his goals, while Pinochet took violent measures during his regime. It is important to study both villains and heroes because we can learn from their actions: we can apply the actions and teachings of the heroes, and avoid and denounce the actions of the villains.


Answer: Mohandas Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement. He is known as a strong activist of non-violent resistance.

Gandhi grew up in a Hindu family in India and studied law in London. He began his social work in South Africa, where he worked as a lawyer for 17 years. His resistance to civil disobedience brought an end to discrimination against the country's Indians. Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and fought to secure India's independence from the British Empire. Gandhi used non-violent means, such as speeches, books and articles, as well as fasting, strikes and marches, to pursue his goals. He was repeatedly captured by the British. Much to Gandhi, India became independent in 1947.

Gandhi's life and teachings have inspired many civic activists. In India, Gandhi is commonly known as the "father of the nation" and his birthday is a national holiday.

Mao Zedong served as a revolutionary leader bringing into reality the People’s Republic of China and served as Chairman of the Republic from 1949 until his death in 1976.  

Zedong maintained the chief position at all costs. When cornered, Zedong would change his views to keep his position, or he would deter or exterminate people he was threatened by.  

Zedong was viewed as a revolutionary with mixed views of fear and respect.  

Zedong was not a good leader when compared to Gandhi. Gandhi really cared for his people, wanted what was best for them, and also did everything he could to stay away from the violence but Zedong would resort to violence whenever felt threatened.
