
be careful of andypandy33, xire4444ha3k, hintorie999, zackattacko33, and horilinkee55. they send links when they "help". links go forward to inappropriate pictures if you dare press the link is will give you nightmares. THIS IS IMPORTANT AND FOR YOURE SAFTEY THIS SHOULD BE ON THE NEWS. the link is tin ycl /7hTq and it changes do NOT PRESS IT THIS IS FOR YOURE SAFTEY. i put spaces so you wont press the link this link is illigal!!!!!!!!! THIS IS FOR YOURE SAFTER THERE COUSE BE MORE DONT PRESS THE LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respuesta :


Thank you for the warning we need more people like you to keep the Brainly Community safe. Remember everyone report if you see links no matter what it is.


For our safety.

Thanks, man! I'll report them if I see them