How does the story about RepSamsel represent some of the worst traits of Christian that we ve discussed over the last couple of weeks? Your answer should be least one paragraph with proper grammar, punctuation , spelling , and capitalization

Respuesta :

Answer: A Christian refers to a follower of Jesus Christ who may be a Catholic, Protestant, Gnostic, Mormon, Evangelical, Anglican or Orthodox, or follower of another branch of the religion. A Catholic is a Christian who follows the Catholic religion as transmitted through the succession of Popes. It is in Christians of many and various responses that Christianity gains its unique multi-cultural and polyvocal texture as a world religion. Those Christians who embrace surrounding cultures use indigenous language, music, art forms, and rituals as potent resources for their own ends. Tradition, however, includes all areas of life of the Christian community and its piety, not just the teachings but also the forms of worship service, bodily gestures of prayer and the liturgy, oral and written tradition and the characteristic process of transition of the oral into written tradition, a new church.
