Should schools get rid of letter grades or keep using them? Write an argument for the evaluation method you prefer. Include details from the article and your own experiences as evidence.

Respuesta :


Schools should adopt a grade system using numbers instead of letters.


Although the scoring system using letters is functional and present in the lives of students throughout their academic life, this system scores students in a very comprehensive and unspecified way, as it generalizes the effort that students had in performing the tests. However, changing this system to a system using numbers is a fairer and more specific option and even benefits students. Schools can score students with grades ranging from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 the highest. Thus, students who did not answer the test completely correct, instead of receiving an F, could receive a score from 1 to 5, taking into account the effort made by the student. The same reasoning applies to students who did well on the tests.