
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle most directly applies to which of the
following types of matter?

Respuesta :

Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to determine the exact position and the exact momentum of the particle simultaneously.

According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Δx.Δp≥ h/4π. Thus lesser the error in the momentum, more will be the error in the position of the particle.

Heisenberg uncertainty principle most directly applies position and momentum.

To answer the question, we need to know what Heinsenberg's uncertainty principle is.

What is Heinsenberg's uncertainty principle?

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that for any particle, we cannot tell for a certainty both its postion, x and its momentum, p at the same time.

Now, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is given mathematically as

Δx.Δp ≥ h/4π where

  • Δx = uncertainty in position,
  • Δp = uncertainty in momentum and
  • h = Planck's constant

So, we see in the relationship that we have both position and momentum.

So, Heisenberg uncertainty principle most directly applies position and momentum.

Learn more about Heisenberg uncertainty principle here: