
Elizabeth was a "granola mom"it was only natural and organic foods and therapies for her
family. She belonged to a food co-op and ordered special foods and home remedies through
the group
Elizabeth was well read and conscientious, and she had a remedy for everything
Little white pills that dissolved under the tongue treated everything from teething to bruising.
When her 8-year-old daughter Samantha had a sore throat, Elizabeth had her gargle with
colloidal silver remedy used before all the new and "dangerous" antibiotics. Samantha did
get over her sore throat, but three weeks later, she broke out in a rash, complained that her
points hurt, and had swollen glands. This worried Elizabeth, and so she consulted a
conventional medical doctor.
Samantha was diagnosed with rheumatic fever, and the doctor prescribed antibiotic treatment.
Elizabeth had read that antibiotics could damage the immune system, and was reluctant to
give them to her daughter
How can you as a nurse, encourage compliance with long-term antibiotie treatment without
abenating Elizabeth? To what extent does a parent have the night to refuse medical advice for
a child? When are alternative therapies helpful?

Respuesta :

Answer and Explanation:

1. As nurses, we can inform you that the use of antibiotics according to medical advice is not dangerous, because the doctor is able to prescribe a correct dose, which must be taken at the correct time intervals, to fight the disease without damaging the immune system . In that case, if the girl takes the medicine exactly as the doctor prescribed, she will have no problems and her body will recover completely.

2. Parents only have the right to refuse medical advice, when such advice is clearly abusive, puts the child at proven risk, or presents experimental treatments without scientific evidence, as it may endanger the child.

3. Alternative therapies are beneficial when they are accompanied by traditional medical treatment, or when they seek to promote relaxation and stress reduction, without trying to fight infections and more serious health problems.